
TRX is Your Complete Fitness Solution

Full-Body Training Tools for Workouts at Home, Outdoors, or On the Go.


Communication is at the core of personal training. Fitness professionals must understand body mechanics and muscular function, but the most important thing they do all day is communicate. For TRX this was a tough phase of how to stay one step ahead of its numerous competitors. The biggest challenge was producing cutting edge creative, that drives real world results at a pace the competition simply struggles to live with.

Creative Strategy:

Helped TRX evolve it’s training philosophy and broader brand positioning. While also helped lay the foundation for a strengthened communication platform for the longer term. Used a straightforward style of communication that is true and trustworthy, and inspire confidence.


Helped the brand deliver the most thorough marketing outreach program in their history – implementing a broad range of creative and strategic approaches while AB-testing to deliver the most effective materials to their loyal customer-base. This also included newsletters and some paid media campaigns to get people to sign up and buy TRX Trainers. Designed landing pages and website pages to be consistent with TRX branding because they’re an excellent way to optimize brand development throughout the customer’s journey.

  • The most successful open rate was 58% (versus 17.5% average).

  • The highest click rate was 15% (versus 2.6% average).

Website Design

Landing page / Main Page



Paid Media - IG Ads

Banner Ad Placements